07 October 2009

Another Day, Another Diagnosis

This morning started early for me--like four a.m. early.  (And let me mention that I am not a morning person.  I am a night owl.  So four a.m. is not user friendly to me.)  At four I rolled over in bed and had pain shoot through my neck and down my shoulder.  And it hurt like madness.  And it wouldn't go away.  (And neck pain is one of those "don't mess with this" pains.)  So it was off to the ER with me.

Well, after paperwork and poking and prodding, the doctor determined that I have myofascial pain (basically a massive muscle spasm that creates a tender point and can act as a trigger point sending shooting pain).  His suggestion was to inject lidocaine into the muscle.  And let me tell you, the injections hurt even more.  But my neck was numb for several hours, and I'm able to move much more easily.  But now, many hours later, the lidocaine is wearing off and even the skin over the muscle is sensitive.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow (which will require me to miss half of one of my linguistics classes, which doesn't make me happy) and we'll see what happens from that.

1 comment:

SunnyD said...

That sounds extremely painful. I hope it will help you. So what happened at the doctor appt.? How are you doing?

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