23 September 2009

Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day(s)

I’ve had a really rough couple of days…

It all goes back to Friday’s rheumy appointment, I suppose.  My system isn’t sure what to do with the sudden changes in medications.  I’m no longer on Cymbalta, which might be making a difference, as well as the fact that the new stuff I’m on (Tylenol w/codeine & Skelaxin) is strong and the side effects all warn about drowsiness and all that fun stuff.

(I’m rambling and ranting and I’m sorry.)

Monday was alright.  Long and draining, but alright.

Tuesday was mean and nasty.  I didn’t get enough sleep the night before, which doesn’t help anything.  My first class is in a room with 48 (I think) desks in it.  The prof thinks that there used to be a sign over the door that said the capacity was 30.  The table at which I sit is off to the side by the door, but it’s so crammed that there’s no room for my rollator near me.  And everyone has to trip over me and my stuff on their way in and out.  And I end up running into things– desks, chairs, doors, walls… (which adds to the pain)…

I then had an hour long break, during which I trekked to another building for a club meeting, which went fine, I guess.  (But once again, it’s a Normie world… sigh… I don’t want to get into this right now, but it sufficeth me to say that Normies generally only see things from the Normie perspective.)  Oh, and at this meeting I had to sit in the chairs with which the room was furnished, which caused more pain…

Then off to my second class.  In lots of pain, so it’s time for the new, stronger, brain foggier painkillers.  Which meant that of course, I couldn’t think of the words I wanted to coherently answer the professor’s question, even though I knew the answer.  It’s beyond frustrating to not be able to articulate what I know. 

And then, of course, more tripping over and running into things getting in and out of class.  And nearly falling over when I ran into the door frame.

Yeah, by this time I was in true tears.  (My apologies to my professor, in front of whom I have cried multiple times…)  And of course, I had left my laptop adapter at home, so I had to drive back home to get it (instead of doing the reading for my third class of the day).

Of course, I probably would have had time to do the reading after picking up my charger, but I was so unhappy and upset that I made a detour at my LYS (local yarn store, for all you muggles/non-knitters out there) to buy yarn and a circular needle to make scarves.  (Hogwarts house scarves, mind.  A Hufflepuff for my smallish sister, Ravenclaw for me.  And when those are done, I think I’ll make myself a Slytherin as well…)  This brightened my day considerably.  Nothing like new yarn and the prospective of a new project and new, potential-full yarn.

Then off to my last class, where, although I didn’t do the reading, I was able to keep up and answer the questions.  (Except for the in class assignment, about which even the prof wasn’t sure, so I don’t feel bad about that one.)

After that class I went to Panera to meet with some friends to work on the Mayan dictionary.  This went well–we had a lot of fun and learned the names for the parts of the leg.

But I did leave my computer charger there, which contributed to the chaos of today.

Another long day today.  Worked with my second graders this morning.  (And trust me, second grade is NOT NOT NOT for me.)  Then off to class (boring lecture in the library.  I know how to use Boolean operators, thanks, and how to determine if an article is scholarly or not).  Then off to my other class, where I realized I had no charger (but had NO idea where my charger was…).  Which meant, naturally, that my laptop DIED in class, making me unable to do the quick-write or take notes.

Then there was an arts event–Native American art, ethnobotany, and culture.  I only stayed for the 1st half– too much sitting, and homework waiting.

Got home and could not find my charger anywhere.  Burst into tears again (after crying Tuesday night as well).  Ended up calling around and finding it, but now it is 22:15 and I still have two homework assignments to do for tomorrow…

Blah.  It’s a good thing I love linguistics (both of the assignments are for ling classes) or I’d say forget it.
Tomorrow had better be better than Tuesday.  I don’t think I can handle any more hard days this week… I’m liable to become a turtle– crawl into the shell of my bed and never come out ever again.

(Originally published on another of my blogs: http://ruminarispoonie.wordpress.com)

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