13 September 2009

I'd rather be knitting...

I don’t know which is worse– the fact that I’d rather be knitting than doing my homework, or the fact that I’m blogging about how I’d rather be knitting than doing my homework.  (Hmmm… definitely the blogging…)

Let’s think, though.  A hundred fifty pages of Guns, Germs, and Steel and The Ebonics Nation or happily knit-purl-ing away to a happy movie.  This doesn’t seem like a complicated question in terms of what would make me happy now, but as for how happy I will be at 11:30 as I’m skimming the books trying to invent something for my mandatory online posting… not so much.  Sigh…

But I’m very happy with my Hedgerow Mitts at the moment.  I’ve finished the cuff and have started on the arm and you can see the subtle pattern coming through.  My hands aren’t too happy, though.  I knitted for two hours today while in church, and I think I may have reached their limit.  (Insert more sighing.)

May I mention how frustrating it is to have my life controlled by Pain?  I’m tired of “being told what to do” with no way to disobey orders.  It seems like a loss of liberty.  I am a prisoner in this body.

(Originally posted on another of my blogs: http://ruminarispoonie.wordpress.com)

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