23 August 2009

A long, painful, and tearful day

Today was just “one of those days.”

I stayed over at my parent’s house last night.  My little sis was teaching the kindergarten age Sunday school class, and I was going to go and lend a hand.  But I didn’t sleep well or much last night.  I was totally worn out and hurting from playing with my niece and attending a worship service, but I didn’t sleep more than five or so hours.  Woke up very stiff and hurting.  Helped my sis with squirmy little five-year-olds.  Then went to the worship service.  Then to the woman’s meeting, and the topic made me cry. (Service.  Doing for those who can’t do for themselves.  Like me.)  Oh, and having to tell my diagnoses a dozen more times.  And all the sitting, both for church and the drive from my parents took me up a few more notches on the pain scale.

I came home and took a few minutes and just sobbed.  Sobbed for the things I can no longer do for myself.  Sobbed because I don’t like asking for help, or even needing help.  Sobbed because I’m losing my independence.  Sobbed because I can’t even look after my niece for a few hours, let alone having children of my own.  Sobbed because I purchased a rollator online today, a step I’m not sure I’m emotionally ready for, but desperately need physically for school.  Sobbed because I don’t know if I’ll even be able to finish school, let alone have a career.  Sobbed because my doggie may have to be put down soon.  (I’m even crying as I type this.)  Sobbed because my husband doesn’t attend worship service with me any more.  Sobbed because of the pain I’m in and the lack of relief from painkillers that just make my brain fuzzy.  Sobbed for friends lost.  Sobbed because other friends are going to an amusement park tomorrow and my body won’t let me.  Sobbed because this is not the life I thought I would be living.  Sobbed because of the burden I place on my husband and family.

Now it probably didn’t help that it’s “that time of the month,” that I hadn’t really eaten in hours, that I was exhausted, that I was in pain, that I was medicated, or that I was withdrawing from another medication that I forgot to take with me to my parent’s house last night.

But I’m really ready to curl up in bed, turn on a brainless feelgood movie, and fall asleep.  I’ll face the world tomorrow, but for tonight I’m done.

(P.S.  I would just like to say how dear and kind my husband was to me today.  Not that he isn’t every day, but I needed it even more than usual today.  He supported me getting a rollator even though our finances aren’t fantastic.  He let me cry on his shoulder about my doggie.  And he told me he loved me.  And held me.  I really don’t know what I would do without him.)

(Originally posted on another of my blogs: http://ruminarispoonie.wordpress.com)

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